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1938 De Havilland DH 80


January 2012


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 These big projects foster camaraderie.  Here is a great day in the life of the Puss Moth. Andrew (designer) and Rich (builder) at Lakeville. Booker the Spaniel behind.   Chip Buss photo


Rich and Tara at the Tarabella Winery.  The Puss Moth ready to cover.


At the Canvas Falcon Meet, Liberty Field, September 2011.  The DH 80 Puss Moth in the foreground, with a DH 82 Tiger Moth behind. The Puss Moth made the first flight of the day to establish an aura of slow scale-flying.



After successful test flight at Lakeville. Problem moving G-AAZP to the taxiway
1/4 scale model -- 1/5 scale airfield
Electric version, needs cowl and nose fairing.  OS 91 four stroke installation


Puss Moth ¼ Scale

Span 9' 3"    Wt 12 lb       Wing loading = 14 oz/sq ft

Power 6s 3000 mAh,   60+ A ,  AXI 4130,  16 x 7 prop





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