
The 2003 SAM 27 Crash & Bash Cruised!

Lanzo Record Breaker is being prepared to 'commit aviation' at the SAM 27 Crash & Bash held

The Record Breaker 'slips the surly bonds of earth with gusto. This is a great design for newcomers to R/C . Eight foot wing with a proven airfoil and a stable design that builds light and floats through the air giving new pilots time to make the right decision and the ability to see it clearly!

Don Bekins, past President of SAM 27 and of the national SAM orgaization, fits the wing to his Zaic 2X Thermic 50 Old time glider in the shady pit area at the "Ranch"

Our host, Loren Schmidt of SAM 30 Adjusts the needle and timer on his sparker in preparation for a flight. Loren is a retired aviation mechanic who retores and repairs full-sized airplanes but models are his passion.

Famous Oregon land baron, Tom Empey, shows his 1/2A Scale Endurance model. Tom and lovely wife Patty had an adventurous journey south to Elk Grove for the Crash & Bash in their motor home. Tom and Patty retired last year and sold their home in Los Angeles, packed their belkongings in a container and had it shipped to Oregon while they searched for a property to buy. This confident, gutsy move was rewarded with a wonderful, affordable property that exactly fit their dreams! See, good things DO happen to good people!

Trophy Table at the contest Just before the Prime Rib banquet held at the ranch Saturday evening.

Banquet time at the Crash & Bash Don Bekins and Patty Empey share the table and the Domaine Chandon sparkling wine will enjoying their prime rib dinner.


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