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Crash & Bash '99 Was Lightly Attended--But Great Fun For All      

In a "Classic" look for the SAM 27 Crash 'N Bash for 1999, the Class C Glow Fly-offs begin to gather for the final Fly-off in this shot showing the great weather and fantastic flying site that is Loren and Mirium Schmidt's "back yard." In the foreground Ed hamler, SAM 27 CD prepares to crank up the K&B .35 cross-scavenged glow on contestant Ned Nevels' Playboy Senior while Eut Tileston, SAM 51 (near background)prepares to time Bob Grice, also SAM 51 and his RC-1. This flyoff went to a flight time of just under 35 minutes before it was decided and the last two down were the two you see here. Bob Grice and Ned Nevels battled it out and when they landed as the air just went away for everyone, it took a check of the watches to see who had the better time, in this case Ned was just 28 seconds longer than Bob! SAM 27 flies a format that says "get a max, you're in the flyoff." A contestant flies his event until achieving a max flight and then gets ready for the fly-offs.     (photo by Samantha Nevels)

The Crash 'n Bash is always a good time for all but this year the weather was more cooperative than anyone had a right to expect for this time of year. There's a LOT of flying of all types of OT fun. Mostly R/C but some FF rubber and just about any flavor of SAM type model you could want. 1/2A Texaco Scale, SAM Electric Texaco and LMR, L*E*R Glow and Ignition, or as Loren Schmidt is fond of calling it "Let 'Er Rip" events, as well as A Texaco and Antique and Big Texaco fill the skies with distinctive planes


Ed Hamler fires up his newly-finished Foote Westerner for Class A Glow with a hot-running Super Tiger G-21 .15 that simply hums! after enduring and fixing some teething pains derived from a need to adjust the decalage, Ed reports that it is a sweet flyer with no bad habits.




These guys are obviously tensed up over the next flight in the 1999 Crash 'n Bash. Such heavy tension is to be expected with the hectic pace of flying and the weather obstacles they have encountered.

Eddie's Foote on short final...lookin' good!

Click here for Contest results in Detail-Page One

Click here for Page Two Contest Results

Click here for Page Three Contest Results

Click here for Page Four Contest Results

Click here for More Crash 'n Bash 99 Photos


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