Click to return  2007 Electric Texaco Postal Competition set for September, October and November.

SAM 76 2006 ETexaco Teamm

2006 Winning team, SAM 76, The Propstoppers, have issued the rules for the 2007 event. The later flying dates are an attempt to compensate for upper and lower hemisphere weather differences to even out the thermal finding opportunities. The Australian contingent, above, suffered with poor weather during their 2006 attempt.

The 2007 Rules also allow any battery chemistry by using the proposed for 2008 SAM rules. These allow the use of NiMH and LiPoly batteries although with much reduced capacity from recent years. Still-air flight times should be more than halved from the hour or so of the current SAM rules. Model rules include the SAM Electric Texaco models, Pre-1951 European Old Timers and Pre-1943 Scale models.

Muliple re-flies are allowed on different days so you can also refine your models and flying. Why not gee up your mates and put a team together to give this one a go?

Click here to go to this page on the SAM International web page that contains Up-to-date information on the 2007 Postal Challenge.

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