

Soaring Adventures


Sacramento Valley Soaring Society Meet 4/14/2011


Commentary by Aric Wilmunder


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Participants at the 2010 SVSS Soaring Challenge showing the diversity of sailplanes

This past Saturday, May 14th, three SAM27 members hit the road to compete in the monthly Sacramento Valley Soaring Society contests held in Davis.  The key topic at the morning pilot's meeting was the winds, measured at 14 knots and gusting even higher. Since the contest rules allow flying in winds up to 15 and a show of hands by the pilots approved the start, 26 flyers took to the launch winches. 

After three of six planned rounds of flying, with two planes lost, the winds picked up to over 20 knots and the Contest Director declared an end to the competition.  Most of the pilots appeared relieved to get back under some shelter after being in the howling winds for nearly two hours.

When the results were tallied, the SAM27 members gave a good showing at the event. 

Mike Clancy came in the top four out of a field of twelve in the Expert class.

 Bob Film came in first place in the Sportsman class.

Aric Wilmunder came in second in Sportsman with special recognition for having scored the only perfect 100 point landing of the day.

A perfect landing is scored when the plane’s nose stops at the center of the landing tape. See next page for details

 [Editor's note: This photo shows the result of Aric's skill, luck and determination. Whatever.....the resultant high (and bragging rights) last at least a week. Congrats to Aric.   .....Andrew Tickle]

The pilots fly even larger planes for the 50-mile Thermal Safari Cross Country event



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