Ed Hamler Launches his Aiborn 292 sq inch Speed 400 model for a practice flight at Lakeville Road, on August 20, 2009. A flock of Canadian Geese, above pass through on their migration North.
Chip Buss holds for Ed Solenberger as he prepares to "commit aviation" with his 'Trenton Terror' Ed Hamler (background) prepares his venerable Playboy Senior. |
Returning his model from a short trimming flight, SAM 27 Free Flight is healthy and vigorous activity at TOFFF sessions. |
Terry Ketten launches his 1/2A Texaco "Red Ripper" at the SAM 27 Lakeville Road Flying site. An acknowledged "ugly" model, the Ripper flies like a thoroughbred and is a consistent contest winner. |
Red Ripper In Flight |
John Trumbull retrieves his Trenton Terror with Electric power from a flight. |
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