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TOFFF            2009

 Commentary and photos by Ned Nevels

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TOFFF ...On Sunday?

Beautiful Rubber Job circles in lift across the Lakeville Road Flying site during an active flying session on Sunday, November 8, 2009.

Sterling Crowley, left shows off his Catapult-Launch Gliders as Ed Hamler gets set to help with the first flight of Sterling and his dad, Sean's recently completed Kerswap for 1/2A Texaco. Sterling is folowing in his father's footsteps in Modeling and shares his enthusiasm for the sport.






Sean Crowley and son, Sterling get started on flying tasks at the SAM 27 Lakeville Road flying site on Sunday, November 8th.

Hamler (left) checks the alignment of critical surfaces prior to a first flight of the Crowley Boy's 1/2A Kerswap-shown at launch on the right. The model flew "right off the board" reported Ed and several flights were made on Sunday.


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