


Limited Altitude

Warm Up

   May 2013


Mike Sidwell photos


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For power plant data click here  

Dick Irwin Chip with Rocketeer John Trumbull with Trenton Terror

We flew a couple of warm-up rounds. Amazingly rusty. Greg got the closest to the target time -- 9 seconds. And nobody succeeded in the two 4-minute target attempts since everyone was down before 4 minutes. Then everyone made an unofficial (no timers) round and had some great flights!  



The RC-1 went free-flight after the 2.4 GHz antenna fell off the transmitter!  Then it cruised over to the bee hives. The bee keeper saw it land there while he was working on the open hives.

Before we could even get to the hives we met the bee keeper in his full protective 'space suit'. He was already on the road carrying the RC-1 back to us. He had no intention that any SAM 27 members got anywhere near his open hives. 

Greg Huffman with his Dallaire  and Loren Kramer with his brand new Folly

Aric's Viking is up.     Dallaire next Viking and Rocketeer ready to go. Then the Dallaire at the back Dallaire up

       Motors in order of power  

PLANE PILOT Motor Mfr rpm/Volt Prop rpm Lipo  Amps Watts
42" Kerswap Loren Kramer 10 ST 1000 9 x 6 7000 3 x 1300 11.5 80
48" Cleveland Viking Aric Wilmunder     -- GWS 7000 3 x 850 10.5 105
48" Cleveland Viking Loren Kramer 2208-20 AXI -- 8 x 6 8400 2 x 1300 19 135
72" Trenton Terror John Trumbull #10 Eflite -- 10 x 7 APC 8100 3 x 2200 28 280
72" Trenton Terror Andrew Tickle 3542 Turnigy 1000 12 x 6 eflite 6100 3 x 2200 51 280
Folly Loren Kramer 15 Eflite -- 12 x 6 7000 3 x 2200 32 335
Brooklyn Dodger Jay Beasley G15 Turnigy 950 10' x 8" 8400 3 x 2200 35.4 345
68" RC-1 Andrew Tickle 2910 Atlas -- 12 x 6 eflite 6000 3 x 2200 50 500
 Rocketeer Chip Buss 4260 Turnigy 500 14 x 6 APC   6 x 2200 34.6 692
108" Dallaire Greg Huffman  4250 Turnigy 650 13 x 5 MAS 8920 6 x 2200 70 1330

Motor Performance Data

In Limited Altitude events idea is to reach the required altitude (650 ft) easily within the time limit (30 sec). In other words the climb is intended to be a non issue.

The motor data shows that although the climbs are spectacular the power consumption is conservative. A mere 10A for the lightweight Viking, and around 30A for the rest.

For planes larger than 1/2 A size (48", 16 oz) the most used battery was the 3 x 2200 mAh Lipo. The typical current of around 30A is easily delivered by the inexpensive 3 x 2200 20C HK battery. Higher C versions would give more power because the voltage drop under load is less.

The heavy 3-cell RC-1 (12 oz/sq ft) needed 50A. It was in fact 50% above the minimum loading of 8 oz/sq ft for SAM electrics rules

The bigger (heavier planes used 6 cells instead of 3, but still consumed around 30A.

The Dallaire had a spectacular climb with power to spare (almost 2 hp), drawing up to 70A on 6 cells. But Greg admits he has never flown it at full throttle yet!

A good rule of thumb for reaching 650 ft in 30 sec is to use 100 Watts per pound.

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