Thursday Old Farts Fun Fly...
The lineup for flyers at a typical TOFF session IN 2000. |
Trevor Shiraishi tunes up his Cox motor on his brand new Plecan Simplex 1/2A Texaco machine while fellow SAM 27 youth member Sean Crowley looks on.Sean and Tevor are both graduates of the SAM 27 Youth Program run by Rocco Ferrario--and fine modelers in their own right. |
Jerry Long and his Jimmie Allen Skokie. |
Trevor and his Simplex tune up |
Jerry Long winding his other Jimmie Allen model a "Jimmie Allen Special". Don Bekins and Pacer 'C' |
Jeez, what a great shot!
Andrew Tickle launching his "Korda DT", his first SOS model(Spirit of SAM) |
Another good one - George Benson and Jerry Long with Lakeview Road 'Flight Hazard' in background. Don't worry. The telephoto lens makes the towers appear closer than they are! |
Trevor let'er Fly! Off into the "wild Blue Yonder" goes his Simplex, a fine flyer.
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