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TOFFF  August   2000


 By John Hlebcar and Ned Nevels   --   Photos by Ned 


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Andrew Tickle in foreground - don't recognize others. (right)


Andrew Tickle's model from photo #5 - Scaled up Korda for SOS. (left) a fine flyer, Andrew puts it up regularly and seems quite pleased with it's performance.


Dick O'Brien launching his 1/2 A Texaco Coronet. (right) This is a very competitive ship and real pretty to boot!


Ouch! This is either Bob Harvey from Pleasant Hill or Thomas A Miller from Martinez. Both are new members and always come out to fly together and I haven't locked in on who's who yet. Don't recognize the model. Picture-perfect launch into some great weather.


Dick O'Brien throws his .020 T-Bird into the blue. (right) Dick's just about finished with the trimming flights and it seems to be settling into a fine flyer.


I'll take two 4x6 glossies... (co-author John Hlebcar brings his Zipper Replica in from a successful trim flight.

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