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TOFFF             2009

Commentary and photos by Ned Nevels

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TOFFF Just Keeps On Producing FUN!

Beautiful FF Rubber ship enroute to launch ( left) and circling overhead (above) the inflight photo doesn't show the relative size as well as when seen in the modeler's hands.

Ed Hamler brings his 490 sq inch Airborn with Shilen OT .19 in the nose in after a successful test flight getting ready for the SAM 27 Crash & Bash and the SAM Champs (one week apart)

Bob Rose (left) and Chip Buss (right) harass SAM 27 Secretary/Treasurer Jay Beasley (blue shirt) while he flies. (They're making fun of Jay's "body English" style of R/C guidance)

Jay Beasley retrieves his oft-repaired Foamy 3-D model. He commented that he will have to find something else besides epoxy to adhere the tail to the model since that's all that's left in that joint! The joint failed during a mild touchdown.

Bob Rose retrieves his gorgeous Lancair electric model after an extended flight. It didn't thermal but exhibited very slippery and fast flying. Bob reports that it speeds up very quickly when the nose is lowered. Beautiful model.

Electric SE-5 gets prepared for aviation committal while 

Past President Andy Tickle gets his Lanzo Bomber ready in the background.


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