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 Commentary and photos by Ned Nevels

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Lakeville Road Abuzz on Thursdays...

Newsletter Editor Jimmy Walker's 'Miss Two' electric soars "over the moon" at August 13th TOFFF session

SAM 27 has built a number of 292-sq inch Lanzo Airborns for the Speed 400 event, mostly from Jim O'Reilley plans and Bob Holman laser-cut parts. This one (right) uses the Loren Kramer (SAM 27 member) custom made Speed 400 motor mount that fits with the existing Cox motor mount holes and allows speedy conversion from Cox to Graupner power

More In-flight shots of Rubber FF action (above) at SAM 27 TOFFF sessions.

Richard Coleman launches his Brown Junior-powered 'Long Cabin' at the September 3rd TOFFF session at SAM 27's Lakeville Road flying site.

The 'Long Cabin' returns to the flightline after a successful flight. Weather was beautiful with a light breeze.

Chip Buss' Piper Cub had it's maiden flight September 3 at TOFFF.

Don Bekins E-powered 'Trenton Terror' slides on down the glideslope for a landing at the SAM 27 field on September 3rd.

Andrew Tickle's "sorta RC-1" glides by 'show center' on 3 September at Lakeville Road.

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