

Limited Altitude

Contest #1 of 3

   6 June 2013


Notes by Andrew Tickle 

Photography by Gary Fellers


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  Click here for > June  Rules               CD Aric Wilmunder

             Pilot Plane Score
1 Andrew Tickle Trenton Terror 898
2 Mike Clancy Playboy 820
3 Greg Huffman Dallaire 657
4 Airic Wilmunder Viking 636
5 Loren Kramer Viking 525
6 Jay Beasley Playboy --
7 John Trumbull Trenton Terror --
8 Chp Buss Airborn --
9 Dick Irwin Brought wrong plane ---

Click here for detailed score sheet

                     Steve Carlson ready for takeoff with stopwatch and Andrew's Trenton Terror   
Garry Fellers photos throughout
Part of the takeoff line-up, front to back:  Mikes Playboy, Aric's Viking, Greg's Dallaire. The wind was light enough to leave the planes unattended on the runway while waiting for takeoff.

Chip's Airborn, a former Speed 400 Season Champion, returns after  four years and some repairs

Aric's 1/2 A Viking takes off...

...and climbs out in an unusual attitude

Jay's Playboy floats in for a landing. You have to cheer for the color scheme.

Jay's Playboy climbs out displaying his new crash absorbing motor mount. More on this as the concept develops.

 John Trumbull's Trenton Terror, a long term survivor at SAM 27's field

   Andrew's Terror hangs in the air to squeeze a few extra seconds before touchdown

Loren's Viking in his favorite color scheme. There were four 1/2 A (Speed 400) sized planes at the meet.
Chip's repaired 1/2 A Airborn looks huge

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