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Limited Altitude Contest #2

 Lakeville,  21 June 2012

Commentary by Andrew Tickle, photos by Mike Sidwell


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June Limited Altitude Rules 

July  Limited Altitude Rules    





Pilots:  Jay Beasley, Mike Clancy, Greg Huffman, Aric Wilmunder, Chip Buss, Andrew Tickle
Karl Tulp, Jim Temple, Bob Rose, Bob Film, Jim Temple, Ed Solenberger,
Scorekeeper: Jay Beasley

Photographer: Mike Sidwell







  1) Aric Wilmunder   2) Andrew Tickle    3) Greg Huffman   4) Chip Buss

Jay Beasley and Mike Clancy retired
 -- needed more motor than a Speed 400

See report at end of this page

Gloomy start to the day


                                                                 Getting ready

Mike Clancy's Kerswap (Speed 400) is one of the most brilliantly visible airplanes . Jay's Airborn (Speed 400) climbs away.

Greg's Dallaire -- photo lightened to show transparent covering  Chip's Rocketeer climbs in style. Even Dick Irwin admitted he was out-climbed. That's unheard off!

Aric's Speed 400 sized Cleveland Viking rockets upwards  Simple RC-1

The dark side of the Dallaire  A local flyer joins in. 



Rocketeer inbound Big Dallaire inbound. Likes to float in.

Jay steadies the Rocketeer.  The Viking just makes it to the runway threshold. 


New Entrants
Gutsy entries by Jay Beasley and Mike Clancy with Speed 400 models. The usual Limited Altitude contenders have climb rates of around 1300 ft/min. So they reach the 650 ft cut-off within half a minute (30 sec).  Speed 400 models climb at around 500 ft/min which makes it tough to compete.

However Speed 400 planes with a brushless motor and a 3 cell LiPo 1000 to 1500 mAh do great. They maneuver well at the critical moments of scoring the landing points and precision duration points. Aric has successfully demonstrated with his Speed 400 (1/2 A) sized Cleveland Viking.

And we know that there are plenty of Speed 400 and 1/2 A sized planes out there in SAM 27.  With a brushless motor (e.g. Super Tiger 10 at $29 or Hobby King Donkey 3007 at $9) they could give Aric a hard time :)

We had a good blustery day -- lots of wind but no damaged airplanes and no thermals. As a result nobody made the 6 and 7 minute tasks. The reason -- both tasks require thermal assistance to make the time.

The Pilots' View
However to the pilot debriefing question "Are 6 and 7 minute times reasonable with limited altitude?" the answer was a unanimous YES -- even though nobody made either time!  So nobody was put off by a little rough weather.

Another Solid Response
For this meet the two "Anytime" launches were eliminated, and replaced by mass launches.  To the debriefing question "Would you like to have all mass launches again for the next meet?" the pilots gave a unanimous YES.

JUNE DEBREIFING SHEET (completed by all pilots)     Click to see Debrief Sheet

All MASS LAUNCHES  for next event       YES 6/6

Concerns about takeoff safety                    NO 6/6

Concerns about landing safety                   YES 3/6       Needs  work....


Are 6 and 7 minute times reasonable

with limited altitude?                                    YES 6/6

CAM altitude limiter switch Ok?                 YES 6/6        No problems reported yet!



     Fine tuning for next contest

                          NONE PLANNED !

July 22 Contest #3   Limited Altitude Meet Rules

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