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Limited Altitude Contest #1

 Lakeville,  17 May 2012

Commentary by Andrew Tickle, photos by Mike Sidwell


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May 17   Limited Altitude Rules

June 21 Limited Altitude Rules




Pilots:    Dick Irwin, Greg Huffman, Aric Wilmunder, Chip Buss, Andrew Tickle
Timers/Assistants: Karl Tulp, Jim Temple, Bob Rose, Ed Solenberger, Jay Beasley
Scorekeeper: Mike Sidwell

Photographer: Mike Sidwell

Greg Huffman, winner of Limited Altitude Contest #1 with Ed Solenberger (crew) and the big Dallaire.

Getting ready for the mass launch

Does size matter? Last month the Warm-up was won by Aric Wilmunder's 1/2 A sized Viking (just to left of the Dallaire).

                                                                       WORM'S EYE VIEW
Chet Lanzo's 1937 RC-1 heads skywards. This is the easiest of all  the SAM Old Timers to build. Simple, tough, reliable and good on windy days. The nose section unbolts to accommodate electric or gas power.

Chip getting the Rocketeer batteries installed RC-1 with detachable nose extension for electric power. This plane has competed in electric and gas classes. The nose extension is the only practical way to get the CG forward enough with electric power..
Chip's Rocketeer Andrew's RC-1
John's Trenton Terror. Greg's big Dallaire
Aric's tiny Viking RC-1 showing distinctive tail shape


Greg's Dallaire on final.    Bottom left looks like the tip of a Rocketeer wing. Could be a formation landing coming up. John's Trenton Terror looks very scale like

RC-1 ready to touch down -- propeller stationary. Looks like the Rocketeer is making a go around.

  1) Greg Huffman   2) Chip Buss    3) Andrew Tickle    4) John Trumbull   5) Aric Wilmunder

Here's what they flew:

Pilot Plane Span Motor Battery Prop
Chip Buss Rocketeer 6' 10" 4260 - 500 3s 2200 14" x 6"
John Trumbull Trenton Terror 6' 0" Power 10 3s    x ? 11" x 7"
Andrew Tickle RC - 1 5' 8" Atlas 2921 -10 3s 2200 12" x 6'
Aric Willmunder Viking 4' 1" HK 25A 3s 1300 10" x 5"
Greg Huffman Dallaire 9' 0" SK 5425 - 650 6s 2200 14" x 7"
Dick Irwin Stardust Special 7' 2" Neu 1110 geared 2s 2650   11" x 10"

Fine Tuning of Rules  The interval between takeoffs in the sequential mass launch was increased to space out the arrival times for landing.
Worked well.

Visibility was a problem with patches of haze in strong rising air during round #5. The RC-1 disappeared briefly in haze on descending from 1100 ft
. but soon reappeared.  Aric's Viking also disappeared in haze but was not found until the next day by a farmer.

Good presence of Mind was shown by Greg after landing -- by making a 'touch and go' to avoid  a plane on the the runway.
MAY DEBREIFING SHEET (completed by all pilots) 

Click to see Debrief Sheet

Prefer reducing need for eagle vision          
Yes 4/5

Limiting altitude for powered climb              
Yes 5/5

CAM switch Ok, no problems                     
Yes 5/5

Fast Climb vs Slow and Majestic
If there was no preference, both were counted.  
Fast vs slow                                             
Yes 4.5/5

Prefer precision target times to maxes        
Yes 4.5/5

Prefer points for takeoff vs hand-launch      
Yes 4/5

Prefer to have landing points                      
Yes 5/5 

Extra points for flying non-recent SAM Champs entry
to encourage building less frequently seen Old Timers 
Yes  4/5

     Fine tuning for next contest

1)  10 bonus points for leaving the runway immediately after a timed landing
      by taxiing or re-takeoff. This rule can be abandoned once this becomes
      standard practice.

2) Mass (sequential) launch at 10 second intervals called by the launch master.
    Intervals are longer if more time is needed for launch crew to get clear of the runway. 

3) The five rounds will all be mass (sequential) launch. (no anytime launches -- keeps the pace going).

June 21 Contest #2  Limited Altitude Meet Rules

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